About the boutique
Impratora Palace was founded in 2010, an enterprise with Sole Proprietorship with the sport of interest of the designer Fatima Muhanna. A fashion house lab with all designs of Wedding Dresses, Evening Dresses and traditional Caftans Jalabia with the Gulf Arabia style and the Moroccan style as well.
Furthermore, we organizing and arranging weddingparties, Luxury wedding cards and bridal accessories.
Our Aims:
We aim always to provide the best in terms of taste, discrimination, and workmanship by our professional expert’s designers and tailors. We serve the community with its various classes with a pleasure in order to make their dreams coming true, with a big satisfaction of our pretty feminine touch on our designs.
Impratora is displaying the most luxurious dresses with Arabian style and European touch; also we do accept our customer’s designs. We have our own bridal lace and wedding dresses fabric, but also the bride can bring her won fabric if she like.
Our services:
Regarding Wedding Dresses we have a buying option, first wear and rent option from the show room. For the engagements and Henna dresses same options are available too, we have our own fabric but the customer can also bring their own fabric.
Our Prices:
Impratora prices for wedding dresses starting from BD 300/-, engagements and Henna starting from BD 150/- and Caftans Jalabia starting from BD 100/-.
Opening Time:
The Boutique opens from 10:00am till 01:00 pm and from 04:00pm till 10:00pm.
For your questions:
Telephone No: (00973) 77007716 – Mobile: (00973)36631129
Website: impratorawedding.com
Face Book: Impratoora Palace
E-mail Address: Info@impratorawedding.com
Instagram: @impratorapalace
Kingdom of Bahrain, East Riffa, Riffa Bukwarah Market, Road 13, Block 914, Boutique No: 74J.