The Professional Pyrotechnics Services Provider

Pico Bahrain has been providing spectacular fireworks shows in the Kingdom of Bahrain since 2001, for events ranging from national celebrations to international tradeshows & sporting events, for corporate and private functions. Our specialist fireworks team designs and creates works of live art in the sky, every moment choreographed to evoke emotion and etch memories for the guests. Using state-of-the-art technology with precision control, every show is tailored to the event and venue, and delivered to the highest industry standards by our experienced and professional team.

Pico Bahrain provides the special effects from fireworks shows, musical fountains, 3D video mapping, multimedia productions, themed live entertainment to confetti, gobos or even snow – we are here to add the special elements to your very special event.

Company Name: Pico International (Bahrain)

Phone: +973 7707 7777

Website:  https://bh.pico.com/en/

Email:  info@picobahrain.com